Numerical Methods in Chemical Engineering

Welcome to CHE 348: Numerical Methods in Chemical Engineering in Fall 2024!

The significant increase in available compute over the last several decades has led to a transformation in the methods and techniques for solving science and engineering problems. To use new tools effectively, it is crucial that we understand their theoretical underpinnings and limitations, as well as practical details of their implementation.

CHE 348 is a one-semester advanced undergraduate course providing students with a fundamental understanding of common numerical methods spanning

  • chemical engineering,
  • computational science, and
  • applied mathematics.

In problems studied, the underlying physics is emphasized throughout, with principles from non-dimensionalization frequently employed.

While the ideas presented are general (and thus not tied to any specific programming language), the entirety of the course will be carried out in Julia—a powerful, easy-to-use language designed for scientists and engineers.


Problem Sets
